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Bruno and Mino have been friends since the age of six, they are inseparable, they share everything, especially a dream; to become architects. Their adolescence goes by serene until fate seems to turn on Bruno. At the age of fourteen he loses his parents and maternal grandparents in an accident and falls into depression, the paths of the two friends change, in the end he receives a big disappointment from Mino who decides not to pursue their dream anymore. When he discovers that he is attracted to men and is in love with Mino - who beats him half to death - he decides to fight back, to live his life, pursue his goals and find his own path. He moves to Canada, finds love and becomes a respected professional. Finally life smiles at him, he will always be in love with his friend and will help him whenever he might be in need, despite all the pain he has caused him, and in the end he will be rewarded by fate that for years enjoyed getting in his way.

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It can be considered a coming of age novel in which the protagonist, in search of his lost memories, manages to slowly rebuild his life thanks to the places he grew up in. But what he finds out about his father, would have been better not to know! Sentenced to life in prison for double murder, he never confessed. He can't, he doesn't remember anything. Not only about that night, but about his past. After ten years, the real killers are discovered and they let him out. He finds out that he is alone. Back in his city, seeing the places where he grew up, memories begin to resurface. Of the first thirteen years of his life, when he was happy, he had a wonderful family and an adoring father. After that, nothing. He doesn't understand why, but he tries to start over. From scratch.

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An American style spy story. On a quiet afternoon, a man is taken from his home by a task force. The resourcefulness of his partner and of a PPD detective will lead to the discovery of a conspiracy. The President's life is in danger...

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A slice of social life, a current topic: child prostitution. Asha comes from a poor family and envies her friends for what they have. At the age of fourteen, she chooses the easiest and most dangerous path to obtain what she wants: selling her own body. Eventually, however...

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After having recovered but still searching for love, one evening in May 2008 his life changes. He helps Nick, Roberto's son, who does not accept his son's homosexuality, he beats him up and kicks him out of the house. Mario does not understand how a parent can come to hate his son and decides to help them. He does not back down when he discovers that Roberto is the victim of a revenge and gets involved in a series of incredible adventures. In the end he manages to change Roberto, making him love his son more than before, and makes him fall in love...

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Dopo mesi intensi, Mario è convinto di aver raggiunto la felicità, senza immaginare che il nuovo anno lo farà ripiombare in un incubo. Julien, vecchio amore ai tempi del naufragio che aiuta quando scopre che è vittima di un complotto, gli confessa di essere padre di Mario Jr e rincontra quel ragazzino che lo salvò 31 anni prima. È felice, ma la scoperta che Roberto si è innamorato di una donna lo manda in crisi, tanto da decidere di tornare alla sua vecchia vita. Quando però, scopre di essere vittima della vendetta di colui che ha sempre considerato un amico, capisce che c’è solo un modo per uscirne… Chiudere i conti una volta e per tutte!

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4cities 4missions

Costretto a scappare dall’Italia, braccato dai camorristi che ha fatto arrestare, dopo aver passato un anno in Asia, Mario finalmente corona uno dei sogni di bambino, andare in America. Appena atterrato trova ad aspettarlo un agente alle dipendenze di Harby che lo convince a entrare nelle file di una delle agenzie governative americane più potenti. Diventa il migliore, risolve diversi casi delicati, ma quando per caso s'imbatte in Davon capomafia newyorkese e questi lo incolpa della morte della figlia... è costretto a scappare. Di nuovo!

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Durante la fuga dal capomafia Davon, rimane coinvolto in un naufragio, e solo grazie a lui, dopo quasi un anno riescono a tornare a casa. Mario si racconta ed è come se stessimo sfogliando il suo personale e segreto diario dal quale estrapola i momenti più significativi di questa parte della sua vita. Il naufragio, il ritorno alla civiltà, il lungo, tormentato e avvincente percorso che compie per risollevarsi. Anni che lo mettono alla prova, forgiandolo fino a farlo diventare ciò che è oggi!

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Dopo aver visitato il mondo Mario accompagna Roberto alla scoperta dell’America, on the road, lo stesso viaggio compiuto da lui anni prima. Stabilitisi per qualche mese a New York vengono raggiunti da Jr, vincitore di una borsa di studio. Subito prima di Natale il ragazzo viene rapito e Mario è costretto a rivestire i tanto esecrati panni di agente segreto, aiutato dai vecchi colleghi dell'agenzia. Riuscirà a ritrovare il figlio sano e salvo? Accetterà di aiutare Davon quando scoprirà che lo vogliono morto? È manovrato dalla sua ex agenzia, o è davvero l’unico che può riuscire a recuperare il cosiddetto tesoro della mafia?

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Book 1

The first chapter is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to stories – sometimes dramatic - of teenagers who were not understood by their parents, or who were afraid they would not be understood. Love for a child is shown in difficult times! In the second, adults who, as a result of drama or bad experiences, have finally found love and happiness with people of the same sex.

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Book 2

In the second chapter I decided not to write about teenage stories, but we find many small co-protagonists in these stories. Children from four to eight years old, who show us that they have a better sensitivity than many adults. They, with their innocent eyes, seem to be able to accept a “different” relationship, because they are only interested in loving and being loved by adults.

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Book 3

In the third chapter the testimonies of ordinary men continue, from the factory worker to the professional to the politician who, after living completely opposite and parallel lives, find each other, collide, fall in love... Or simply tell us about their experience.

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Book 4

8 more stories worthy of being published. Eight love stories born between heterosexuals and gays/ bi-sexuals who decide to defy the judgment of friends, relatives and acquaintances in order to live their love story.

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Book 5

And with this we have over sixty testimonies dedicated to exploring this parallel world in which “representatives” of the two main types of couples meet. Social issues such as male prostitution, abuse, stalking. Teenagers who are not accepted by their parents, or who are afraid not to be. Men who, due to sad events - not wanting to betray the memory of their loved one - or bad experiences, have finally discovered that they can find happiness again in a “different way”, simply by loving people of the same sex.

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ebook series


Mario M's life told in five books. Mario is dissatisfied with the life he leads; he needs motivation, adrenaline. His life changes on a Wednesday in April 1990, when he accidentally meets an American secret agent, Harby Crawbson, and gets involved in a dangerous secret mission, something clicks inside him. Little does he imagine that that is the beginning of a path that will lead him to risk his life several times, to suffer, to chase happiness only to see it fade away when he is on the verge of achieving it. But he is Mario M and he can overcome any obstacle!

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My books are not “for” gays, they are not erotic or vulgar books. They are books for everyone, especially for those who think: it would never happen to me! The intent is to demonstrate that we are ALL “at risk”, that all it takes is a look, an action, a behavior for the latent homosexual side in each of us to take over. I preferred not to share stories with a violent development or an extremely tragic ending, even if they were suggested, as they do not represent a pure feeling such as being in love. The Ebook Series that includes all the books. Only in a digital format and at a special price, it's the best way to always carry with you the desire to dream.

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